Soul Quest

List Price: $22.95

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A Spiritual Odyssey through 40 Days and 40 Nights of Mountain Solitude

Paul Hawker

224 PP | 6" x 9"
ISBN: 978-1-55145-544-0

Finding himself at midlife, feeling hollow and like a fraud, Paul Hawker embarks on a journey into the wilderness. In the tradition of the vision quest, like a hero in a mythic tale, he leaves his family and community to spend 40 days and 40 nights on a New Zealand mountaintop knowing full well the solitude, deprivation, and dangers he will face from exposure to the elements. But like many mystics and sages before him, he chooses a path of physical and spiritual testing as way to break through the veneer of his life.

Soul Quest: A Spiritual Odyssey through 40 Days and 40 Nights of Mountain Solitude is the ruthlessly honest account of Paul Hawker's attempt to open himself to the Source, and to discern the voice of God in his life.

Get a free condensed version of the "Discernment Tool" from Paul Hawker's Soul Quest.

Paul Hawker, Author

Paul Hawker is a non-fiction television writer/producer. His films have covered topics from social issues to shipwrecks. Recent screen credits include the Discovery Channel's Mythbusters, Animal Planet's Buggin with Ruud, and National Geographic's Green Car. He has also made numerous programs and documentaries for Australian and New Zealand television networks. In addition to his writing for the screen, Paul is the author of Secret Affairs of the Soul: Ordinary People's Extraordinary Experiences of the Sacred and Soul Quest. Photo Credit: Christine Hawker.