John for Beginners

List Price: $9.95

A Bible Study for Individual or Group Use

James Taylor

112 PP | 5.5" x 8.5"
ISBN: 978-1-55145-496-2

This Bible study invites both new and long-time learners into an intimate and personal exploration of the Gospel of John.

While the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke speak directly to the actions and teachings of Jesus, John speaks in more symbolic language that can take us to deeper levels in our own reflection of who Jesus is.

Intended as a group-study launching pad for discussion, this commentary can also be used for individual study. Includes questions to encourage reflection, as well as short prayers after each section. Appendix includes "Suggestions for Study Leaders."

James Taylor, Author

Jim Taylor is one of Canada's best known authors and editors among mainline churches and denominations. He is the author of sixteen books himself including The Spirituality of Pets (2006), An Everyday God (2005), Precious Days and Practical Love: Caring for an Aging Parent (1999), The Canadian Religious Travelguide (1982), Discovering Discipleship (with George Johnston, 1983), Two Worlds in One (1985), Last Chance (1989), Surviving Death (1993) republished as Letters to Stephen (1996), Everyday Psalms (1994), Everyday Parables (1995), Sin: A New Understanding of Virtue and Vice (1997), Lifelong Living (for the United Church's Division of Mission in Canada) (1983), and The Spiritual Crisis of Cancer (for the Canadian Cancer Society) (1984).

He was the founding editor of the ecumenical clergy journal Practice of Ministry in Canada (PMC) for the first 15 years of its publication. He was for 13 years Managing Editor of The United Church Observer. A co-founder of Wood Lake Books, Taylor lives and works in British Columbia's Okanagan Valley.